Teachers as Learners: Leadership can take the educational experience to the next level for Teachers and Pupils

Diana Wilson is an experienced educator and a member of the first Middle East cohort of students on the part-time MA Educational Leadership in Practice programme – an experience that has surpassed all her expectations

University alumna Diana Wilson - a graduate from the Part-time MA Education Leadership in Practice programme - was successfully nominated for the Outstanding Leadership in Education Award by the organising team at Education 2.0. The award was presented to her by the organisers of the Education 2.0 Conference Dubai Edition 2024 during the event, following Diana’s nomination and selection by the organising team.
Diana was selected as the recipient of the award based on five criteria – Leader's Reputation; Achievements & Accolades; Professional Experience; Creative Thinking; Decisive Leadership. According to the award assessment team, Diana’s performance across the five categories was also visible across social media platforms, which helped validate her impact in the education sector. The assessment team was also impressed by the combination of Diana’s influence, commitment to ethical practices and overall reputation as an educational leader in the United Arab Emirates. The nominators viewed her as a trailblazer and role model in the industry who demonstrates academic excellence and dedication to life-long learning for self-improvement and professional enrichment.

Additionally, the assessors judged Diana’s contribution to the education industry - in particular to the United Arab Emirates - to be exceptional and creative when confronted with challenges. She was seen as a leader driving innovations that have the potential to become standard practices without compromising integrity even when crucial management and time-sensitive, well-informed decisions were needed, while continuing to guide and supervise employees.
As Diana says: “Thinking back to the various research and case studies that were a part of my studies during the MA ELiP programme always helped to keep me enlightened, motivated and ever stronger as an educational leader.”
Diana has made positive changes and impact on the schools she has advised through her highly collaborative leadership approach. This includes performance evaluation and examining the systems for school improvement. For Diana, the process is about providing a supportive and empowering working environment to teachers and teacher leaders with professional expertise and experiences.

“In both capacities as a teacher and leader, I have received internal awards and recognitions from schools, but this is my first international recognition for outstanding leadership. I believe professional recognition, which is unbiased and authentic, must accelerate in the field of education.
“Personally, and professionally, I feel honoured with this profound recognition of my achievements and contributions to the field of education in a country which is close to my heart. I am highly optimistic and committed to continuing to work for the future development of education in the United Arab Emirates and to give back to the land where I was born and privileged to grow personally and professionally.” Education 2.0 Conference’s goal is to bring the global education community together to facilitate knowledge sharing and to look for solutions to issues faced in education transmittal. The Education 2.0 Conference aspires to present a vibrant platform where changemakers from the education industry can meet with peers and discuss ways and means to revolutionize how we learn and teach.