Dr. Nada Jammoul Messaikeh - Founder and Managing Director, Impactiv

Dr. Nada Jammoul Messaikeh - Founder and Managing Director, Impactiv

Dr. Nada Jammoul Messaikeh - Founder and Managing Director, Impactiv

A personal journey of impact through Education and Mentorship

Dr Nada has forged a unique relationship with the University and the Middle East Centre and her extraordinary career is built on her firm belief in - and commitment to empowering others through mentoring, which she considers “a noble cause”.

When asked about the driving force behind her varied roles as an auditor, a leader, and now an educator and a social entrepreneur, Dr. Nada Jammoul Messaikeh (or simply “Nada’ as she prefers to be called) reflects, "I've always been drawn to the potential of what education and mentorship can unlock for individuals and communities." 

Nada's 15-year relationship with The University of Manchester has seen her evolve from a DBA student to an esteemed alumna, an Alumni Ambassador, a mentor, and now an adjunct faculty member. It's a testament to her lifelong commitment to education, embodying her contribution in both the corporate and academic domains.

Nada’s career is not just a testament to her professional acumen but also to her deep seated values of integrity, transparency and empathy. Her early days as an auditor with Ernst &Young laid the foundation for a career that would be defined by leading with empathy and a steadfast commitment to ethical principles. "In my role as an auditor, I learned the importance of integrity and transparency, but also how crucial my role was in developing others and leading with empathy," Nada reflects, capturing the essence of her approach to leadership and mentorship.

Shaping Education: A Transformative Role

It was in the public sector where Nada's influence became indelible. Her strategic financial leadership during a transformative phase in Abu Dhabi's education system marked the beginning of a lifelong commitment to educational reform, a passion that would become her hallmark.

Nada's tenure in academia, shaping the financial strategies at Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi and NYU Abu Dhabi, was characterised by a clear vision: to lay down the financial groundwork that would enable educational institutions to soar. "At NYUAD, I managed a substantial research funding portfolio, which was about more than just numbers—it was about nurturing a culture of innovation and learning," she recalls.

Lifelong Ties to The University of Manchester

The University of Manchester has been a cornerstone of Nada's journey since she began her DBA in 2009. It's been a partnership of growth, with Nada evolving from student to educator. Her narrative has been entwined with the University's ethos of innovation and social responsibility. "Starting my DBA programme was the beginning but teaching and supervising MBA projects has allowed me to share my journey and bring real case studies and experiences from the region to enrich the learning experience of students."

Impactiv: A Vision Materialised

The foundation of Impactiv stemmed from a clear need Nada saw in her community and beyond—a platform to empower through mentorship, leveraging technology to extend its reach and impact. "Impactiv was born from a desire to make a difference on a larger scale, using my background in finance and education to offer tech-enabled mentorship that could truly make a difference and support organisational growth," she explains. This initiative quickly grew from a concept to a reality, supported by Ma’an in Abu Dhabi, marking Nada's transition into social entrepreneurship and her commitment to creating tangible societal value.

Intersection and MentorME: Catalysts for Change

Nada's dedication to mentorship found further expression in 'Intersection', created with Injaz Lebanon, aiming to provide career guidance to young graduates in Lebanon amidst financial and political turmoil. From its modest beginning in 2021 with just 15 mentors, including colleagues from the University of Manchester, the initiative now boasts a global network of over 50 mentors, touching the lives of more than 275 young professionals with hope and guidance. "Seeing ‘Intersection’ flourish has been incredibly rewarding. It's a reflection of our collective efforts to empower the next generation."

Similarly, MentorME, in collaboration with The University of Manchester Middle East Centre, became a testament to her vision, witnessing exponential growth and success and creating an even more connected community of alumni and students from across the region. "The engagement scores of the first cohort significantly exceeded the benchmark for similar programmes; the second cohort saw a 120% increase in applications,” Nada says, with evident pride in the programme's achievements.

Beyond Professional Success

When asked about her greatest achievements, Nada points to the impact of her actions on others and the joy of inspiring and supporting individuals to fulfill their dreams. Beyond the accolades and professional milestones, she cherishes the role she has played in mentoring and empowering others.

Equally significant to Nada is her role as a mother to three daughters, whom she has raised to be strong, independent women, each crafting her own story. "Passing on to my daughters the values of empathy and helping others, and seeing them grow into individuals who share these values, is among my proudest achievements.”

Looking Ahead: Research and Mentorship as Pillars of Progress

Nada’s vision for the future combines her dedication to mentorship with a passion for research. Inspired by her own journey with The University of Manchester Middle East Centre, she looks forward to creating bridges between the groundbreaking research at the University and the vibrant potential of the MENA region. “Supporting research that aligns with our community's needs can drive real change,” she asserts. Nada is committed to this dual approach, believing that together, research and mentorship can forge a path to innovation and a better society.