Challenges and New Strategies for FinTech during and after the COVID 19 crisis by Ismail Erturk

Challenges and new strategies for FinTech during and after the Covid-19 crisis. Before the COVID-19 crisis FinTech was one of liveliest sectors receiving huge funding from venture capital and capital markets, challenging big banks with a wide range of digital innovation in financial services, receiving strategic support from governments and city authorities.  However, COVID-19 has changed the economic and financial landscape globally and the investors have fled to safe assets and cash, and the countries have shifted priorities to protecting jobs and economy.FinTech sector is living its first global crisis and the rules of the game have changed.  This webinar will talk about how FinTech globally has been affected from the COVID-19 crisis and how FinTech firms need to reinvent themselves to survive and prosper. New strategies, narratives and management skills need to be developed.

Ismail Ertürk, Senior Lecturer in Banking and Director of Chinese Banking Programmes, Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester. Ismail Ertürk joined Manchester Business School in 1987 after having completed his post-graduate studies at New York University and his undergraduate studies at Middle East Technical University, Ankara. He held visiting positions at Stockholm School of Economics, St Petersburg, Istanbul Commerce University, and Federal University of São Carlos in Brazil, ESCP Europe Business School, Paris, and Danish Institute for International Studies. His current research interests are FinTech and future of finance, central bank policies after the crisis, banking crisis and reform, cultural economy, creative industries, financial innovation, financialisation, and corporate governance. He has published four books and many academic and professional articles in these areas. He is Associate Editor of Journal of Cultural Economy and Gestão & Produção (bi-lingual Brazilian management journal). He participated in funded research programmes including European Social and Economic Models of Knowledge Economy, Centre for Research into Socio-cultural Change, European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Finance and Inequality Project sponsored by Foundation for Progressive European Studies. He is External Academic Expert on Trade, Banking and Finance at the European Research Council Advanced Grant holder research programme Crosslocations Project at Helsinki University. He has advised private and public institutions that include Lloyds-TSB Bank, NatWest Bank, Toronto Dominion, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Development Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, British Telecom, Thales, PwC New York, KPMG, IBM, UCB, ACCA Moscow and Hong Kong, European Chamber of Commerce in China, IBM, U.K. Customs and Excise, Jeffrey Green Russell Solicitors, Metropolitan Municipality of Istanbul, Brazilian National Confederation of Industries, Manchester International Festival, Metropolitan Municipality of Istanbul. He has given numerous conference presentations at the events aimed at professionals and policy makers like Coface, Demos, European Chamber of Commerce, UNCTAD, Asia-Pacific Retailers Convention. He regularly appears on many international TV programmes, radio and print media, including BBC, Bloomberg TV, Channel 4, Russia Today, Financial Times, The Observer, Reuters Insider, The Telegraph, The Huffington Post, Washington Post, etc.